MODULAR STUDY TOURS with Israel College of the Bible

Israel, Study Tours
Israel Study Tour

Custom Modular Study Tours

Visiting Israel is an inspirational experience for those seeking to know their Bible, and their Messiah Jesus, in a deeper way. Israel College of the Bible can take your students on a fascinating tour to see the geographical lay of the land for themselves, and take their appreciation of the Word of God to a new level. Come with us on archaeological digs, where they can not only read about, but see, touch and handle parts of Biblical history.

Get as close to the first century Israel experience as possible, to see through the eyes of Jesus and his followers and understand the New Testament – and the Old Testament – from their cultural perspective.

Build a Study-Abroad Program for Your Students


With 12 optional course modules to choose from, and flexible enough to suit the needs of your specific group, we believe we can provide a learning experience that can dramatically enhance your students’ Bible reading and walk with Jesus.

  • Old Testament Background
  • Biblical Geography
  • Modern Hebrew
  • Kingdom & the Covenants
  • Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
  • Jewish-Christian Relations
  • History of Modern Israel
  • Biblical Archaeology
  • Theology of the Torah
  • Biblical Hebrew
  • New Testament Background
  • Messianic Prophecy


Graduate and undergraduate academic credit is available for study tour participants.

It would be a pleasure to have you join us for an adventure that we guarantee will be a memorable experience.

  • Academic credit available
  • Benefit from learning at Israel’s only accredited Messianic Bible College facility
  • See the sights through the eyes of Israeli experts and scholars who love Jesus
  • Discounts available to all participants for our online courses – supplement your study tour and receive a full certificate in Jewish Studies