Registration Complete (The Resurrection of Yeshua)

Thank you for your registration!

Thank you for registering to the ZOOM course: The Resurrection of Yeshua

We will be using the same zoom link for all classes:

Meeting ID: 871 7202 5466
if prompted to put passcode: Yeshua

Download Course Syllabus: The Resurrection of Yeshua

The course will begin on Wednesday, February 21 at 4 -7 PM (Israel time).

Course Dates:

21.02 Life after death in TNK
28.02 Resurrection in 2nd Temple Judaism
06.03 Resurrection in Rabbinic and modern Judaism
13.03 Spring Break, no class
20.03 Resurrection in Paul’s Theology
27.04 Resurrection in the Gospels
03.04  Resurrection in Remainder of NT
10.04 Resurrection and the Historical Jesus
17.04  Jewish Views of the Resurrection of Jesus
24.04 Passover, no class
01.05 Apologetics and the Resurrection, pt1
08.05 Apologetics and the Resurrection, pt 2


Any questions? Please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!

ICB Online Team

Israel College of the Bible