Shalom and Welcome!



We are so glad you chose to view our web page, and hope you will be encouraged by what you read. We are first and foremost, followers of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, through whom we have found true shalom, forgiveness, and hope for Jews and Arabs in the Middle East!

We are the only Hebrew speaking Bible College/Seminary in the world. We are an institution dedicated to equipping followers to fulfill Yeshua’s Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and Paul’s Great Commission in Romans 1:16. We offer a number of certificate programs in Hebrew, all designed with these Great Commissions in mind.

Israel College of the Bible is a place where you will be challenged to love Jews AND Arabs with God’s passionate love which has been poured out through the Messiah Yeshua.”

Furthermore, we are committed to encouraging believers from around the world to read and understand the Bible within its literary, historical, and geographical context. We offer unique online courses as well as study tours.

Online Courses :



Jews and Arabs as one

Our faculty and our student body is living proof of the power and urgency of the gospel message in the Middle East. We are Jewish and Arab believers who know that Yeshua himself is our shalom, our peace (Ephesians 2:14). We acknowledge, along with the Psalmist, that God’s purposes for Israel are always for the benefit of the nations: “He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” (Psalms 98:3).

The good news for Israel is equally good news for Arabs in the Land of Israel and in the Middle East. While many academic institutions politicize and create divisiveness in the Body of Messiah, Israel College of the Bible is a place where you will be challenged to love Jews AND Arabs with God’s passionate love which has been poured out through the Messiah Yeshua.

We offer a number of programs for Israeli citizens in Basic and Advanced Biblical and Theological Studies. For non-Israeli citizens, we currently offer online courses only.